
CanQualify vs ISNetworld Comparison

2023-04-30T12:53:35-06:00Education, General, Prequalification|

Choosing the right contractor management software provider is foundational to the success of a healthy and diverse supply chain of vendors. Below is a comparison of the five main differentiators when clients partner with CanQualify instead of ISNetworld (ISN) for contractor management software.

Supplier Management Best Practices through Prequalification

2023-04-30T16:27:10-06:00Education, General, Prequalification|

Working with suppliers, contractors and vendors is an increasing trend in the post-pandemic workforce. Adopting best practices through supplier prequalification can assist in scaling capabilities while also maintaining a safe work environment.

Leveraging Spend Through Prequalification

2021-02-09T15:29:36-07:00General, Procurement|

Procurement professionals can leverage their company’s spend through gathered data and safety statistics on their suppliers before they hire. Companies that outsource work tasks to suppliers often devote a lot time and energy trying to decide on which supplier to outsource too. This typically involves a Request for Proposal (RFP) process but what if that can be sped up through contractor data gathered and provided by a prequalification service?

Why Hire a Third-party to Manage a Third-party?

2021-02-25T14:09:58-07:00General, Industries|

There are a lot of positive takeaways from companies that provide supplier manage solutions. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of frustrations where there shouldn’t be any at all: complicated navigation, overpriced fees, difficult to understand requirements and lack of customer support all play a roll.

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