
CanQualify vs ISNetworld Comparison

2023-04-30T12:53:35-06:00Education, General, Prequalification|

Choosing the right contractor management software provider is foundational to the success of a healthy and diverse supply chain of vendors. Below is a comparison of the five main differentiators when clients partner with CanQualify instead of ISNetworld (ISN) for contractor management software.

Supplier Management Best Practices through Prequalification

2023-04-30T16:27:10-06:00Education, General, Prequalification|

Working with suppliers, contractors and vendors is an increasing trend in the post-pandemic workforce. Adopting best practices through supplier prequalification can assist in scaling capabilities while also maintaining a safe work environment.

COVID-19: What You Need to Know About Managing & Reporting COVID Cases in the Workplace

2021-09-11T09:56:54-06:00Education, Industries|

At CanQualify, the new year ushers in a flow of fresh safety data from our valued contractors. This year we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory with the recording of COVID-19 cases in the workplace. We see the need to help our contractors and clients alike get this right.

Supplier, Contractor, and Vendor Prequalification

2023-04-30T13:35:43-06:00Education, Industries|

When done correctly, contractor prequalification will reduce company risk, employee stress, and confusion regarding safety expectations. Working with suppliers or third-party contractors to improve business operations and capabilities can certainly have its advantages. It can also have drawbacks often associated with increased exposure to risks.

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